
Product Features

IP door and device access control

  • Remotely control access from anywhere
  • Compatible with current IP door access technology
  • Establish entry and exit times
  • Bar unauthorized employee entry

Control who can access the building and the hours they’re allowed to on the premises. iTime Keeper is compatible with current IP door and device access control systems, allowing your business or institution to control when and where people can enter a building and where they can go once they’re inside.

Set locks to function with iTime Keeper’s wireless entry scanners and decide whether your doors will open with a bar-coded card or fingerprint scan or a password – all of it tailored to an individual employee’s clearances. We’ve also built in administration and security overrides for those times you need to make exceptions to your pre-established rules.

A series of pre-set smart commands can also be connected to individual employees once the system grants access. Establishing IP Ethernet device server connections brings the office of the future to your company today. iTime Keeper can be programmed to regulate IP-based smart equipment. With proper configuration, you can control the temperature, the lights, the alarm system and other IP-enabled equipment for selected employees.

Door locks can be connected to iTime Keeper’s built-in gate pass system, recognizing when an employee has a supervisor’s approval to leave the job site on company business and when they’re expected back. Entry points can be set to require supervisor or security consent to allow an employee back onto the property if the absence runs longer than its pre-approved time.

IP door access control can help you ensure that only people who are supposed to be on the property are actually there. In the case of terminated employees, security clearances and passwords can be revoked in real time to deny building access.

iTime Keeper Features